The “third-party” directory in awk-java-sdk-1.6.7 contains all the required .jar files, but often, blindly adding every jar included with an SDK results in a very large distribution with a bunch of unnecessary .jars. My approach has always been to add only what is necessary, which is usually fairly obvious during development and debugging thanks to NoClassDefFound and others.
Unfortunately, the Amazon Web Service methods:
silently fail and always return ZERO if commons-codec-1.3.jar is not included as a dependency. There are no warnings, events, exceptions, or errors. It took me several hours to figure that out.
Here is a minimum list of 3rd party dependencies for version 1.6.7 of the Java SDK, which I could not find anywhere else other than scanning through this pom.xml:
- aws-java-sdk-1.6.7
- commons-codec-1.3
- commons-logging-1.1.1
- httpclient-4.2.3
- httpcore-4.2
- jackson-databind-2.1.1
- jackson-core-2.1.1
- jackson-annotations-2.1.1